Sunday, September 1, 2013

and now for something completely different...

so it's been a little while.  things have been good.  i took a full time job at the warehouse and it has been heaven sent.  i have never had a full time job in my life and honestly all the hustling and wondering how i was going to pay my health insurance and other expenses was really starting to stress me out.  i still do gigs although it is slower in the summer and i have been chilling and relaxing a bit off the grid.  my non-working hours have been filled with firepits and lovingly-made meals and the most wonderful people. 

so we have been pretty busy.  everyday has been different.  there have been a lot of estate auctions and some pretty neat stuff comes in.  like this hand stitched work of art:

fred has been driving a different truck lately.  i asked him about it and he said his other one had a chipmunk.  like a misfiring piston or something?  no, there had a been an actual woodland creature burrowing in his air filter and storing nuts for the winter (fred lives in the sticks).  so when fred fired up the truck the thing was sucked through the air intake and came out of the tailpipe in a puff of black smoke.  couldn't get the truck to go more than 10mph.  rest in peace little guy:(

ready to transition into the fall.

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