Monday, September 16, 2013

merry christmas taylor swift!

on saturday i worked the taylor swift show in charlottesville.  it was nuts.  security was super tight.  they had bomb sniffing dogs at random points during the day.  all the local crew had to have their drivers licenses scanned with ran a background check and then printed out your credentials.  ms. swift's security team was terrifying.  her personal security dude was a former SEAL and worked as a CIA operative in pakistan for 8 years.  ed sheeran was the opening act (he does that a-team song.  i really like that song).  the production people called me 'tall ed' all day.  he looks like this but was shorter than i expected:

so ms. swifts fans were insane.  production keeps all of the fan mail and things that people send.  most of it is kind of creepy but sweet at the same time.  i was looking through some of it and somebody wrote her a movie script starring her and also sent a novelized version.  there were scrapbooks and notes and stuffed animals.  i asked the production dudes how often she gets things from middle-aged men.  not often, they said, but it happens.

also the catering was amazing.  almost worth working 18 hours.  almost.  it was a tricky gig because i'm not familiar with c-ville but it worked out ok.

so there is a raccoon in the warehouse.  fred set a cage trap and baited it with chicken mcnuggets.  according to fred, mcnuggets are raccoon crack.

the raccoon will be safely released although i think fred was wanting to have his girlfriend make some sort of raccoon goulash.  i wonder what wine pairs best with raccoon.  perhaps a woody merlot....

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